Who is God? What is love? People have asked these questions for thousands of years, and they were asking them in John’s day too. Christians like John believed the answers were found in Jesus, but some so-called believers were leading people astray, questioning Jesus’ very identity. John wrote these letters to the churches he loved in order to keep them straight. With conviction, confidence, and clarity, John presents a compelling picture of Jesus―so we see clearly who God is and what love is.
LifeChange Bible studies will help you grow in Christlikeness through a life-changing encounter with God’s Word. Filled with a wealth of ideas for going deeper so you can return to this study again and again.
Join the women of Valley View as we study God's Word!
Personal study devotions, paired with weekly group discussions, will open our eyes to how God sees us, chooses us, and sends us.
Register today for our Tuesday Morning, 9:30-11:30am, Women's Bible Study!
Study books cost $12 and will be distributed at the first study session.
Tuesday morning groups begin Tuesday, January 21, 9:30am. (Childcare is offered for ages 6 months - 5 years. Must register in advance.)