Build Beyond’s $500,000 goal will fund these projects and more:
HVAC repair
Updated bathrooms
New paint & carpet in the worship center
Worship Center technology updates
What is Build Beyond?
In 2015, Valley View launched a capital campaign called "Beyond" that aimed to raise $1.3 million to pay off the church's accumulated debt after renovating the lobby, gym, and downstairs student areas. Because of the incredible generosity shown by you, our church family, that debt was paid off in just three years and we continue to be a debt-free church!
Now, as our church continues to serve in a rapidly expanding metroplex, the heart of our leadership has been led to Build Beyond. Structural facility projects require funding to create an updated and safe environment as we continue to welcome guests to our church campus.
We want to encourage all those who call Valley View Christian Church their home to join our staff in prayer for the Build Beyond campaign.
Projects addressed by the Build Beyond campaign include:
Installation of new HVAC units around the building
Updated restrooms throughout the building
Replacement of worn carpet in the Worship Center
Freshly painted walls in the Worship Center
Updated video and lighting technology in the Worship Center and more!
We prayerfully ask that you partner with us in this initiative, and generously give toward the vision God has placed in front of our church. You can give in person via the donation boxes at the Worship Center entrances (marking your gift with "Build Beyond") or online at vvcc.org/give (using the drop-down menu to select "Build Beyond").