At Valley View, we Live Free. We thrive as transformed people, unburdened and unhindered by sin and fear.
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."
As we follow Jesus together, He will lead us to freedom. We believe that living in community with other believers, pursuing Spiritual growth through greater understanding of Scripture, and finding healing from our own brokenness and the brokenness of the world, will help transform us into people who are unburdened and unhindered by sin and fear.
If you are interested in learning more about belonging to Valley View, or discovering what we believe, find out more here.
Community through Life Groups
A small group of people committed to help you grow as you follow Jesus together. Watch real stories from Valley View Life Groups and view groups and classes we are currently offering.
During Fall and Spring semesters each year, we provide the opportunity to experience Rooted, a discipleship pathway that meets for ten weeks in a row to develop a rhythm of connecting and growing with God. For more details, email
Grow in Studies and Groups
Understanding God's Word will challenge, strengthen, and comfort you as you follow Jesus. Bible studies happen on Tuesday mornings and Wednesday nights during the Spring and Fall semesters, and in different locations around DFW during the Summer. Find upcoming groups and Bible studies here.
Heal through Care and Recovery
God's people are called to share freely with each other, and take care of each other in our times of need. If you would like a minister to contact you, visit you in the hospital, or meet with you to recommend a counselor, fill out a request form here.
New Life is a small groups-based ministry that creates a safe space for you to identify what is separating you from Jesus, and provides the community you need to grow into the freedom he has for you. It is a 12-step program that meets over 40 weeks. Find more details about New Life here. To contact a minister about recommended resources for recovery, email