Do you ever feel like one of those cartoon characters whose legs are running as fast as they can possibly move but her body isn’t moving anywhere? So often we get stagnant in our daily routines; nervous about what our next step should be. Everything set in front of us either seems too big to begin or too menial to matter. We struggle to set goals because we struggle with direction. We push down dreams because we have no idea how to make them reality. We can’t picture the future because the present seems so overwhelming.
If you’re stuck in the ins-and-outs of today, and wondering what God has for you next, Valley View’s Spring Women’s Event is for you!
Zechariah 4:10 says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Often times, we just need to take a small step in faith, in order to begin what God has in store.
Join us Saturday, May 4, 9:30-11:30am, for Valley View’s Spring Women's Event “Small Beginnings”. Registration includes continental breakfast, keynote speaker Lori Murillo, a t-shirt, and a fun take-home! (In order to guarantee sizing, T-shirt orders must be received by April 10.)
Childcare is not available for Small Beginnings.